The creative team for Medicine Bear includes musical composer Donald Quan, a four time Gemini Award nominee and a Canadian Aboriginal Music Award recipient. Medicine Bear features Onkwehonwe  musicians and singers including: David R. Maracle, Elizabeth Hill, Noelle Maracle (10 years old), Cam Hill and Santee Smith. Set and Video design for Medicine Bear is created by Andy Moro and costume/props Gabriella Caruso along with Santee Smith and Leigh Smith.

Through whimsical music, dance and storytelling, Medicine Bear weaves into one magical narrative traditional Iroquoian stories, how the Bear Clan came to be known as the "Keeper of the Medicines" and the hunter who discovered the gift of healing. Following oral tradition practices, Medicine Bear teaches virtues of compassion, thankfulness and respect for nature in a way that is playful and thought provoking for young and family audiences.
